Dear Friends:
Happy New Year! A successful 2023 included the reelection of our dynamic leader, President, Harold J. Daggett; many ILA ports with record cargo volumes handled by our ILA workforce; international solidarity; and many other positive events. Our productive 2023 was a result of your hard work and dedication, and for that you should be extremely proud! Thank you for making the ILA the greatest union in the world!
Now, we look at 2024 and the upcoming challenges we face. A new master contract is at the top of our list. President Daggett has been very clear to our industry partners that to avoid a strike we must have an agreement by September 30th. We must be preparing now for what could be a hard-fought negotiation. We also have political challenges ahead of us unlike anything this country has faced before. We must see our way through those challenges and vote for candidates that support those of us who earn their living by the sweat of their brow, the working men and women of America, the union movement.
I know ILA workers are up to confronting the upcoming trials we face. Thank you again for your hard work and dedication and thank you for allowing me to serve you! Barbara and I wish you and your family a very healthy, safe, and happy new year! God bless you! God bless America! God Bless the ILA! Happy 2024!
Alan A. Robb
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