Dear Brothers and Sisters of the ILA:
This Labor Day we are on the cusp of longshore history. We will either have a new, strong, and rewarding Master Contract, or we will be expressing our solidarity on the picket line. Our International leadership has worked tirelessly to negotiate a new Master Contract we will be proud and excited to ratify. This critical juncture in the ILA reminds us why we celebrate Labor Day. We are reminded of our forefathers and foremothers who paved the way for our success, so on Labor Day each year we honor them. We are reminded of the ways the American labor movement has improved our lives and created the strong middle class that keeps America’s economic engine running. And we are reminded that in order to maintain the strong middle class, we must support politicians that support workers and labor by voting for those that support us. Particularly, this November!
As Labor Day reminds us of our success and also to reflect on our goals, we also honor ourselves. We must especially appreciate our solidarity this Labor Day. God bless America; God bless the ILA. Have a happy, safe Labor Day.
Alan A. Robb
SAGCD President
To view the letter, click here.
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