To all City of Houston ILA Workers:
Early voting is in process for the City of Houston elections, along with Texas Constitution amendments. Election day is Tuesday, November 7, 2023. The Gulf Coast Labor Council endorsements have been distributed and posted for your consideration.
I want to particularly urge our Houston workforce to support Senator John Whitmire for mayor. Senator John Whitmire, with fifty years of experience in Austin has dealt with Port issues, making sure the Port of Houston transparently serves the public good. We of the ILA were proud to work with Senator Whitmire to assure the interests of the work force were properly safeguarded. Senator Whitmire has supported working men and women throughout his political career. He will maintain that philosophy as Houston mayor. Senator Whitmire has well-earned bipartisan support for Houston mayor, an important factor for our diverse workforce and necessary during these hyper-partisan times. We are proud to join the many individuals and labor groups supporting Senator John Whitmire to be Houston’s next great mayor.
I understand we have other friends running for mayor. We continue to cherish our friendship with them. However, I strongly believe John Whitmire is the most qualified and the best suited to be Houston’s next mayor.
Please support John Whitmire and the other labor-endorsed candidates and positions. Most importantly, please vote!
Alan A. Robb
To view the letter, click here.
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