South Atlantic and Gulf Coast District Questions
What does SAGCD mean?
SAGCD means South Atlantic and Gulf Coast District.
How can I join the SAGCD-ILA union?
Contact your SAGCD-ILA Local and they will walk you through the process.
Why join a Labor Union?
Belonging to a union gives you rights under the law that you do not have as an individual. Once a union is formed, your employer must bargain with your union over your wages, benefits, hours and working conditions.
Union workers, on average, earn higher wages and get more benefits than workers who don’t have a voice on the job with a union.
What if I have a question that’s not on this list?
If you have a question that isn’t on this list here, you may send your questions by email, or contact your local SAGCD-ILA office and speak with an official.
ILA App Questions
Is the ILA App FREE?
YES! The ILA App is free, download it today at
How can I get the ILA App?
You can download the ILA App at
Can I download the ILA App for an Android smart phone?
Yes!!! You can download it at
Can I download the ILA App for my iPhone?
Yes!!! You can download it at
Why can’t I access some of my information on the ILA App?
If you can not access your information on the ILA App, call our support line at 281-461-8888.