To: All SAGCD, ILA Locals
Re: Memorial Day 2020
Dear Friends,
Memorial Day 2020, just a few days after commemorating the 75th anniversary of World War II Victory in Europe, provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our history, as well as our future. Our beloved ancestors who fought the many struggles of their day are remembered, as well as the more recent heroes of war, conflict and terrorism. We cannot and shall not forget these brave men and women who have allowed us to enjoy so many privileges as a result of their battles.
Today, we have new heroes on the front-line fighting an ungodly, unseen enemy that is as dangerous as any we have faced that we must remember this Holiday, and every day. Our medical teams, first responders, and our front-line supply-chain workers–including our own brotherhood and sisterhood of the ILA–all must be thanked with our prayers and praise. As President of the South Atlantic and Gulf Coast District, I am honored and humbled to be part of such a strong group of American workers who are leading the way forward during these trying and scary times. I salute our brothers and sisters of the ILA, pray for their safety, as we join together this Memorial Day 2020 vowing to remember the past, but looking to a more hopeful, peaceful and safe time ahead.
May God Bless America and the ILA and the countless workers and people struggling during these uncharted days.
Alan A. Robb
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