Effective Immediately. Dispatch processes and procedures should be modified where possible as follows:
- If you ARE NOT seeking work, please DO NOT come to the Union Hall or Hiring Center. Communicate with your Local or hiring agents by phone, email, or text only.
- If you ARE seeking work, please spend as little time as possible inside the Union Hall or Hiring Center. All workers should arrive just prior to their applicable hiring time. No job should be dispatched before that time. If you arrive early, please remain in your car until the applicable hiring time.
- We advise your Local to dispatch jobs remotely or through an automated system, if available.
We have been advised that some Locals have moved the hiring process outside, while others are taking temperature checks on members before allowing them admittance into the hiring area. The District Office is asking all members to give additional latitude to the hiring agents through the duration of this pandemic. We strongly recommend that Local officers and staff work together with employers to develop processes that are best suited for your Local’s particular hiring situation.
Locals should increase their cleaning and sanitization efforts. Union Halls and Hiring Centers should clean and sanitize at least twice per day (after each dispatch session). We suggest if you do not clean your Union Hall or Hiring Center that you secure a cleaning service to do so. Locals, Hiring Centers, and related Associations should install hand sanitizer stations at entry and exit doors. If a Local identifies individual(s) tampering with or removing cleaning/sanitization equipment, such as the hand sanitizer station, there will be disciplinary action.
Do not shake hands, hug, or elbow bump. It is unnecessary and puts both people at risk. If you want to share your affection, send a text.
We advise all locals and members to wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after using the restroom, before eating, and after nose-blowing, coughing or sneezing. We also advise anyone who feels ill to stay home. Do not come to the Union Hall or a job site if you are or feeling sick.
We are closely monitoring updates from the CDC and World Health Organization. Should the Coronavirus continue to spread, the ILA will take necessary action, including changes to the dispatch process outlined above. Please note these procedures are temporary and will be lifted as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
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