Cellphone Use at Work
As a practical matter, the ILA~USMX Joint Safety Committee (JSC) has no real opinion about the general use of cellphones at work. Unless, of course, the person using the cellphone happens to be actively operating any type of vehicle. That’s where the JSC is obliged to draw the line.
The JSC recognizes that cellphones are a convenience that serves many useful purposes. We also recognize, however, that cellphone use while operating a vehicle is a substantial distraction that may threaten the life and limb of nearby workers. And since the JSC’s principal purpose is to conserve the life and limb of all who work at ILA~USMX ports, our direction regarding cellphone use must be clear and concise:
For the sake of your fellow workers and their families, we urge all vehicle operators to put aside their cellphones while actively operating their equipment. If cellphone use becomes an absolute necessity, stop your vehicle at a safe location; use your cellphone and recommence your work as promptly as possible.
Individual employers have understandable work rules which expressly disallow the use of cellphones while operating a vehicle. The JSC urges those employers to enforce those rules uniformly and without bias or discrimination.
Got an OSH-related question? Write to the JSC at: [email protected]
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ILA-USMX OSH Circulars are devised to reflect the best possible information and guidance, and are products of diligent research and the most up to date subject matter knowledge. Consequently, while the information contained herein is believed to be accurate, owing to a host of factors ILA-USMX can convey no direct or implied warranty relative to the reliance of parties upon content.
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