The ILA~USMX Joint Safety Committee (JSC) would like to take the time to remind all in-house and outside drivers of all vehicles operating at our marine terminals, that distracted driving can easily get to be a life-threatening activity.
In our industry-specific global research, and in our considerable interactions with occupational safety practitioners who are deeply involved in day-to-day marine terminal operations, the most significant hazards being observed are those related to the use of cellphones (for voice and/or texting) during the operation of vehicular equipment.
It’s important to the JSC that the workplace lives and wellbeing of our labor and management constituents be protected to the greatest possible extent. One way to help ensure that outcome, is to continually reinforce the proposition that cellphones must not be used during the operation of vehicles. If it’s necessary to use a cellphone, pull over to a safe location, set your brakes and make it quick.
Use Personal Electronic Devices Safely; Or Not at All!
Got an OSH-related question? Write to the JSC at: [email protected]
“Working Together For The Benefit Of All”
(ILA-USMX OSH Circulars are devised to reflect the best possible information and guidance, and are products of diligent research and the most up to date subject matter knowledge. Consequently, while the information contained herein is believed to be accurate, owing to a host of factors ILA-USMX can convey no direct or implied warranty relative to the reliance of parties upon content.)
To download the OSH Circular, click here.
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