Follow all OSHA regulations that apply to lifting gear supplied by vessels. In example:
The safe working load specified in the cargo gear certification papers or marked on the booms shall not be exceeded. Any limitations imposed by the certificating authority shall be followed.
All components of cargo handling gear, including tent gantlines and associated rigging, shall be inspected by the employer or a designated person before each use and at appropriate intervals during use. Any gear that is found unsafe shall not be used until it is made safe.
The employer shall determine the load ratings shown on the vessel’s wire rope certificates for all wire rope and wire rope slings comprising part of ship’s gear and shall observe these load ratings.
Got an OSH-related question? Write to the JSC at: [email protected]
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ILA-USMX OSH Circulars are devised to reflect the best possible information and guidance, and are products of diligent research and the most up to date subject matter knowledge. Consequently, while the information contained herein is believed to be accurate, owing to a host of factors ILA-USMX can convey no direct or implied warranty relative to the reliance of parties upon content.
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