Dear Friends,
Here we are, Juneteenth 2022, still struggling to understand why the ideals announced in Galveston June 19, 1865, remain unfulfilled. It seems of late we see the voices of hatred, the voices of white supremacy, the voices of antisemitism, more prevalent, more pronounced, less shy than previously. That is not to say the hatred has not previously existed, but it seems more open, “out of the closet” as they say. The public display of hatred takes many forms: some blatant and some with “dog whistles”. Whatever the form, we must recognize it for what it is and not gloss over it, ignore it, or excuse it. Juneteenth provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our harsh history and that it took a war to eliminate the human crime of slavery, the vestiges of which still survive. We continue to focus and strive to deliver on the message proclaimed in Galveston that day that freedom “involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property”. We live in a very complicated time. Our democracy and principles, particularly as hard-working men and women, rest on our shoulders to continue the fight for equality and justice for all. We must participate in the democratic process and not allow others to cause our democracy to be eroded. We study our history and learn from it. We remember. We march forward together. Thank you for all you do. God bless America and the ILA.
Alan A. Robb
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