NORTH BERGEN, NJ (March 26, 2022). Harold J. Daggett, the President of the International Longshoremen’s Association told his counterpart, Willie Adams, the President of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) that he and his members can rely on the “full support of the ILA” as they enter into negotiations this Spring with Pacific Maritime Association (PMA).
“Those employers whom you will face in negotiations would be well advise to know that the solidarity between the ILWU and ILA is stronger today than it has ever been,” said ILA President Daggett ILWU leader Willie Adams and his Executive Board. “Our collective membership has gone through the most harrowing, dangerous, and difficult two-year period as we kept commerce moving in the United States and Canada throughout this world-wide COVID pandemic. We moved critical supplies through ports on the Eastern Coast, Gulf Coast, West Coast and Hawaii – losing many brave ILWU and ILA members to COVID – but never shutting down.”
The ILWU represents waterfront workers at ports on the U.S. and Canadian West Coast and Hawaii. The ILA represents waterfront workers at ports on the U.S. and Canadian East Coast; Great Lakes, and Puerto Rico.
“The ILA embraces the timeless ILWU motto, ‘An Injury to One is an Injury to All’,” President Daggett wrote, “and the ILA membership, through our support of the ILWU want to publicly reaffirm our Solidarity with you and your members.”
Read ILA President Harold J. Daggett Letter to ILWU President Willie Adams here.
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