NORTH BERGEN, NJ (November 1, 2023) The ILA’s Civil, Human and Women’s Rights Committee will honor four leaders from the industry at their Tenth Annual Awards Dinner at the Envue Hotel, Weehawken, New Jersey, this Saturday, November 4th, 2023.
Two International ILA Vice Presidents – Thomas Little from the Port of Hampton Roads, and John D. Baker, Jr., from the Port of Cleveland – will receive recognition from the ILA Civil Rights Committee, along with Linda Wilkins from ILA Local 1233 in Newark, New Jersey and Paul De Maria, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, United States Maritime Alliance, Ltd.
“We recognize four outstanding leaders from our industry who exemplify those characteristics and qualities that closely align to the mission of the ILA’s Civil, Human and Women’s Rights Committee,” said Herbert Hall, Sr, the Chairman of the ILA’s Civil, Human and Women’s Rights Committee. “This year marks a milestone for us – our 10th Anniversary. Our annual dinner allows our ILA family, along with shippers and port leaders, to come together to celebrate the work we do throughout the year.”
Brother Hall and his Committee Co-Chair Rodney Owens will welcome the large gathering expected at Saturday’s dinner.
International President Harold Daggett, who was honored by this committee at its first dinner a decade ago, will offer remarks along with Alan Robb, the President of the ILA’s South Atlantic and Gulf Coast District.
Paul De Maria, the USMX leader will receive the “William Bernard Dudley Humanitarian Award. Linda Wilkins, from ILA Local 1233, will be honored with the “Women’s Rights Award”. John Baker Jr., an ILA Vice President and President of the Great Lakes District Council is slated to receive the “Labor Leader Award” and Thomas Little, an ILA Vice President and a long-time leader in the Port of Hampton Roads, Virginia, will be honored with the prestigious “Martin Luther King Award.”
In addition to Chairman Hall and Vice Chairman Owens, Gregory Washington serves as Recording Secretary; and Mary Ann Gillespie as Secretary-Treasurer of the ILA’s Civil, Human and Women’s Rights Committee. Committee Members include Anthony Arrufat, Michael Baker, Billie Jean Easley, Yvette Flowers, Mary Gima, Kenneth L. Gray, Herbert Hall, Jr., Stephen Knott, Patrick Murphy, Carlos Sanchez Ortiz, and Alan Robb.
Billie Jean Suggs is the Event Co-ordinator for the 10th Annual ILA’s Civil, Human and Women’s Rights Committee Award Dinner.
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