Dear Friends,
We celebrate the 92nd birthday of a man who had a dream. We celebrate and honor that dream almost 53 years after his tragic, racist assassination. Assassinated while in solidarity with sanitation workers striving for dignity, better wages, hours and working conditions. An aspiration we still are striving to achieve. What would he think about today’s world fitting into his dream?
In many respects his dream has been partially achieved—a civil rights bill; voting rights act; many attributes of a diversified world. But evil forces have interrupted a fuller realization, slapping us to reality, especially these last four years! On the other hand, Dr. King’s pulpit successor is now a United States Senator from Georgia; our new Vice President of the United States is a woman of color; a record number of Americans voted to usher out the hatred and racism occupying the White House; giving us the hope and promise of Dr. King’s Dream. We must continue the endeavor of fulfilling that dream. That is why we pause and reflect on Dr. King’s memory. May God save the United States of America.
Best Wishes,
Alan A. Robb
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