History Made! A Landmark Achievement for the ILA
Today, the International Longshoremen’s Association made history! We successfully negotiated a historic and, hopefully, precedent-setting labor agreement with U.S.M.X. While the contract is yet to be ratified, I have no doubt that the men and women of the ILA will stand behind it 100%. This agreement is, without question, not only the greatest in ILA history but quite possibly the greatest labor agreement in America.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support and solidarity throughout the entire negotiating process. To the tireless leadership of President Harold Daggett—without a doubt, the greatest negotiator in history—along with his son, Dennis, who has devoted countless hours, energy, and determination, I say thank you. Their leadership and dedication were instrumental in securing this landmark deal. I also want to thank the entire negotiating committee for their incredible effort and hard work in making this victory a reality.
What we’ve accomplished today will create lasting legacies for our families and future generations. To those of you on the docks, I cannot thank you enough for the support you’ve shown. By staying united, never wavering, and showing the true strength of the ILA, we secured the greatest deal ever.
God bless you all, and God bless the ILA!
Alan Robb
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