To My ILA Sisters and Brothers:
As we celebrate Labor Day 2022, our national workers’ day of recognition, I want to salute the workers of the International Longshoremen’s Association. I am so proud to lead this powerful organization and applaud you for your continued dedication to your craft; your commitment to your ILA Locals, and your support of your ILA leadership.
We value that support, and we work equally as hard to protect you and your families with the best Collective Bargaining Agreements, including top tier wages, health, and benefit plans; safe working environments and respect for the important work you do. ILA longshore workers continue to shine as America’s Front-Line Heroes as our nation and the world endures and recovers from the almost three-years pandemic. Your esteemed place in history has been guaranteed as you bravely answered the call when our nation needed critical supplies delivered and ports never shut down as commerce continued to flow.
We look beyond Labor Day with confidence as we continue to explore ways to strengthen our Master Contract with our employer partners, United States Maritime Alliance (USMX). We will be gathering in July 2023 for our ILA Atlantic Coast District and International Conventions, and I look forward to seeing many of you then.
May you and your families enjoy a Happy and Safe Labor Day 2022 and may God Bless you all-God Bless -God Bless America and God Bless the ILA.
Fraternally and Respectfully,
Harold J. Daggett
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