ILA~USMX Joint Safety Committee – OSH Circular – 2024-03 – When The Floor Fails….

When The Floor Fails….

Where Will You Be?

While container floor failures may not be an everyday occurrence at your terminal, the fact of the matter is that; for a number of reasons, they do occur. The ILA~USMX Joint Safety Committee urges its labor and management constituents to always be aware of their individual, constantly changing workplace situations, and to never forget that playing the odds when your life is at stake is never a good idea.

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Working Together For The Benefit Of All

ILA-USMX OSH Circulars are devised to reflect the best possible information and guidance, and are products of diligent research and the most up to date subject matter knowledge. Consequently, while the information contained herein is believed to be accurate, owing to a host of factors ILA-USMX can convey no direct or implied warranty relative to the reliance of parties upon content.

To view the OSH Circular, click here.

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