Statement by Harold J. Daggett, President, International Longshoremen’s Association On Russia’s Attack of Ukraine

NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (February 25, 2022) The International Longshoremen’s Association stands in unity with the brave citizens of Ukraine and condemns Russia for its unprovoked attack and invasion of Ukraine.

Russia’s aggressive and shameful actions are a violation of international law and have brought unnecessary violence, destruction, and hardship, and death to innocent Ukraine citizens.

Russia’s Vladimir V. Putin has disgraced himself to the world and his savage attack on Ukraine – without any justification or the support of the majority of his own country – places him in the company of mankind’s worst dictators. He bears responsibility for the deaths and injured in Ukraine and his murderous assault on another nation should have severe consequences for him and those that aid him in his evil coup.

The entire membership of the International Longshoremen’s Association pledges its support of Ukraine and its citizens; its collective condemnation of Russia’s attack and are united in prayers for a speedy end to this brutal action by one nation against another.

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