Labor Day 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the ILA:
The recent reelection of our International officers headed by President Harold Daggett and Executive Vice President Dennis Daggett put an emphasis on our power as “A Force to be Reckoned With!” We celebrate our Nation’s labor force and our own ILA workforce every September with our Labor Day holiday. It is nice to have a national holiday to commemorate labor and what organized labor has done to create a strong middle class in the United States. But we know that recognition is meaningless if there are anti-labor, anti-worker politicians manipulating and passing laws against workers. I was deeply heartened to see the video from President Joe Biden at the Convention delivering greetings to the ILA. As President Daggett said in introducing the President, President Biden is the most pro-labor, pro-worker President since FDR. I recognize many of our members do not support President Biden and hold other allegiances. I only ask those who may be reluctant or even in opposition to President Biden, to act selfishly in support of labor and workers. For those who already lean toward supporting him, you must be motivated to follow through and vote, no matter how inconvenient you may perceive it. The upcoming election in 2024 is a critical election that requires our full participation and there will also be an important Houston city election this November.
So, Labor Day reminds us to reflect on our success and our goals as working men and women of the ILA. We honor ourselves by participating in our civic responsibility of voting. Keep our obligation in mind this Labor Day. God bless America; God bless the ILA. Have a happy, safe Labor Day.
Alan A. Robb
To view the letter, click here.
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