Dear Friends:
This July 4th has a bit more celebration to it. Coming weeks after the celebration of another holiday of independence that has been “nationalized”, Juneteenth, provides more momentum for reflection on the meaning of “liberty and justice for all”. We as an industry have been blessed this past year with the bountiful fruits of commerce providing many of our ports with strong business. Others in our family have suffered mightily as the pandemic froze their cruise operations. But for them, there is hope on the horizon. We have a Presidential administration that understands our brand of working men and women and is committed to providing a lift to our cause. Assistance via infrastructure for our ports and communities and hopefully further relief on laws that have restricted our ability to represent our ILA workers is the goal of President Biden and his team. But other forces are trying to undermine our democracy and inhibit our right to vote. This July 4th, we must recommit to fighting those forces in the name of our democracy, our liberty, in honor of our historic struggles to further our goals!
Take time this Holiday to reflect, relax and enjoy. Be safe. Stay healthy. Happy 4th of July 2021.
Alan A. Robb,
To view the letter, click here.
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